A Leadership Checklist: 7 Questions to Ask Yourself


No matter how successful and talented you are, you’ve made mistakes and have acquired some bad habits. Some are old; others have seemingly popped up overnight. Behaviors that may have worked well for you in the past can render you ineffective in the present. Perhaps you’re dissatisfied with your performance review. Maybe you’re bothered by […]

A Winning Team in the First 90 Days

Winning Team

The most important decisions you make in your first 90 days will probably be about the people on your team. If you succeed in creating a high-performance team, you can exert tremendous leverage in value creation. If not, you will face severe difficulties, for no leader can hope to achieve much alone. — Michael Watkins, […]

Where Have All the Good Managers Gone?

Empty Office -cc

Nobody aspires to be a good manager these days. Much attention and resources are devoted to leadership development as everyone wants to be a great leader, yet all leaders have to manage people. The separation of management from leadership is dangerous. Leading without good management results in a failure to execute. Let’s get back to good, strong managing.