Executive Coaching
Discover our proven, results focused process for helping successful leaders to become more successful by discovering and overcoming their obstacles to greater achievement.
Discover our proven, results focused process for helping successful leaders to become more successful by discovering and overcoming their obstacles to greater achievement.
Working with entrepreneurs, an executive or management team, or a Board of Directors (for-profit or not-for-profit), we help our clients develop a strategic focus through a structured process that examines their resources, their business opportunities, their customers, and their environment and helps them plan for the future.
Our goal is to help employees become leaders. While many books have been written about leadership, it remains for many misunderstood and elusive. We work with employees either in a group setting or coaching them individually. The goal is to challenge an employee to become more goal directed and to look toward the attainment of measurable outcomes that impact their business and satisfy customer needs.
We work as a mentor and trusted advisor to managers, whether through individual business coaching or in peer-groups. Management (executive, director, supervisory, team leader…) has taken on many new and complex dimensions because of technology shifts, changing values, increased competition, flattened organizations and growing complexity of our environment.
There are many web-based tools available to consultants, and we apply them as appropriate in our work with our clients, including professional web-based assessments, job benchmarking, 360-feedback and analysis, and assessments of group dynamics.
A synthesis of the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science. The PQ Mental Fitness process was developed to provide individuals worldwide the opportunity to build mental fitness, and fulfill their true potential for happiness and contribution. Positive intelligence provides scientifically proven methods for developing your mental fitness.