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Strategic Leadership Development

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Navigating Chaos with Purpose, Resilience, and Empathy

Navigating Chaos

Executives today encounter unprecedented challenges with the economic uncertainty, political polarization, and global turmoil that have created a perfect storm of stress and complexity.  To thrive in this environment, leaders (both men and women) must possess a unique blend of resilience, adaptability, and purpose. “In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity.” – A. Einstein   […]

Winging It? How to Thrive Under Pressure as a New Woman Leader

woman wearing blue cardigan holding black mug

Have you ever landed a leadership role, felt a surge of excitement, followed immediately by a wave of terror? You’re not alone. Many women leaders experience this, feeling overwhelmed and unprepared. Aren’t you expected to be decisive, knowledgeable, and have all the answers? But what if you don’t? What if that inner voice keeps whispering, […]

Assumptions are the Lowest Form of Knowledge!

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This is a phrase I’ve used to challenge coaching clients who start out with: How often have you assumed someone said or did something to later find out that it was not true or that it never happened or that you spoke too soon?  In our new hybrid work environment, how prevalent are assumptions? Your […]

Things That Get in the Way of Executive Coaching

Too many executives receive poor or no coaching. They miss opportunities to become more effective in their positions of influence and are often denied promotions they deserve.  Some leaders struggle in their careers, failing to recognize that hiring an executive coach can help them enormously. It’s the right tool to alleviate common leadership problems, but […]

Beware of Busyness


Harnessing Willpower for Purposeful Action “Only a small fraction of managers actually get something done that really matters or moves their organizations forward in a meaningful way.” — Heike Bruch and Sumantra Ghoshalin A Bias for Action: How Effective Managers Harness Their Willpower, Achieve Results, and Stop Wasting Time (Harvard Business School Press, 2004) Only […]